GS1000 (About Software GuardScan Monitor)
Advices on most commonly asked questions for GuardScan Monitor. Vote for the most helpful answers.
- Which Comm. Port should be selected in the software GuardScan Monitor (USB type)
- Which Comm. Port should be selected in the software GuardScan Monitor (RS232 type)
- If you can’t download data from GS1000 to your computer (USB type)
- If you can’t download data from GS1000 to your computer (RS232 type)
- How do you remove the old driver and install the new driver (USB type)
- If “The port ‘COM number’ does not exit” message appears on the window of software GuardScan Monitor
- If “The operation has timed out” message appears on the window of software GuardScan Monitor
- If “Download Fail” message appears on the window of software GuardScan Monitor
- If “Access to the port ‘COM number’ is denied” message appears on the window of software GuardScan Monitor