
If TR4030/TR4050 cannot communicate through TCP/IP

Take a look at “PART NO” on the label at the bottom of your time recorder. For “TR4030xx-00”, it doesn’t support TCP/IP communication.

For “TR4030xx-10”, "TR4030xx-20”, "TR4050-10" or "TR4050-20", follow the steps as below to set [Transport protocol] to “TCP” for the Ethernet module of TR4030/TR4050.

  1. Connect TR4030/TR4050 with Hub via WAS-1499 cable.
  2. Power on TR4030/TR4050.
  3. Disable the firewall and antivirus program in your computer!
  4. Open the software DS Manager (Start\Programs\Tibbo Terminal Server Toolkit\Tibbo DS Manager). Find your TR4030/TR4050 on the “Auto-Discovery” list.
  5. Click your TR4030/TR4050 on the list and click [Settings].
  6. Under [Connection] tab, set [Transport protocol] to “TCP” and then click [OK].


Note: "xx" indicates different reader type and disk port type.

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