
If GS1000 can’t read any tag (“1 long beep + 3 short beeps with 3 B/L LED blinks” every 2 seconds after you press the SCAN button)

  • It indicates that the internal database error of GS1000 occurs. Power off GS1000 and power it on to make it have an auto-recovery.
  • Use "Recover Data" function of the software GuardScan Monitor to recover the database. (To enable Recover Data function, enter the password "GIGA" when starting the software.)
  • Use "Clear Data" function of the software GuardScan Monitor to erase the database.
  • Use “Invoke Test” function of the software GuardScan Monitor to reset GS1000. See If you want to reset GS1000 for more details. Important note: After resetting, all data in GS1000 will be erased.
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